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Tuesday, September 27


There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.
- James Thurber

Luke Freeman 17:41 |


lol, I don't have many love songs in my iTunes, but it just had the funniest playlist on shuffle it played 5 tragic love songs in a row! lol, funny...

i can't wait till my family get back!! dad-tomorrow, mum&jess-thurs, sal-30th Oct :(


Luke Freeman 14:25 |

God, smite me!

I really liked this out of my quiet time today, very good analogy, funny though!

"Did you know that the word smith in silversmith comes from the old English word smite? Silversmiths are very accomplished smiters. So is God. He knows the weight of the hammer and the force of the blow required to produce in you Christ-like character. No one yanks the hammer out of His hand and says, 'Go easy on that silver; you have pounded it enough!' No, He buffets the metal until He's finished with it. Some silversmiths keep polishing until they can see their face in the finished product. When will God stop with you? When He sees His nature and His likeness reflected in you"


Luke Freeman 10:31 |

Monday, September 26


Some things are just untouchable I guess, it doesn't make you want them less though!

Luke Freeman 13:37 |

Sunday, September 25

It seems that I have a problem... once I have seen the best of something, I just cant settle for anything else.

Luke Freeman 13:49 |

Saturday, September 24

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.
- David Brin

Luke Freeman 15:38 |

Thursday, September 22

Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
- Sam Levenson
lots of babies, bundles of joy

Luke Freeman 06:59 |

Wednesday, September 21


God, what can I say, is great!!
I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I had the flu which got my immune system down and therefore I then got a viral infection of the laberynth (inner ear), but the doctor said that it is an amazingly fast recovery. I am still feeling a little bit dizzy, but I am soooooo much better (even got a PB this morning for the time trial).
Thank the Lord,
and thank you to all those who prayed for me!


Luke Freeman 11:13 |

Tuesday, September 20

mr know it all

There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
- Oscar Wilde

luke freeman

Luke Freeman 12:01 |

Random Play Messes with our Heads

The Apple Blog » Random Play Messes with our Heads:
"I came across a very interesting article on Wired that explains the general dismay people have with the seeming lack of randomness that results from random playlists. Dan Goodin (the writer) explains some of the lengths he’s gone to in order to achieve random bliss - going so far as to touch on Real Player, MusicMatch, Winamp, and concludes with iTunes. He even tried running a playlist through randomizing algorithms in different music players…talk about dedication.

It gets interesting when he speaks with a mathematician (Jeff Lait, creator of randomm3u) who explains the real problem. It’s all in our head. The fact is, that algorithms can make a list completely randomized - but that resulting random list may not fit with what we EXPECT out of that randomization. Interesting, but makes sense.

Dan concludes that iTunes is the current leader of Randomization however. Why? (Those of you answering, “Because it’s Apple!” would be wrong. Mostly.) Because Apple (ok, you were partially correct) was insightful enough to include Smart Playlists. As most of you know, playlists can be created by random, with any number of stipulations applied to create that perfect list of songs.

So next time your iPod Shuffle is disappointing you, and you yell out loud, “Life is random, my apple!” remember that it’s your noggin that’s really the dissapointment…"

Luke Freeman 11:52 |

Monday, September 19

40 Hour Famine

Hi guys, for those who can sponsor me for the 40 hour famine, it would be great as it does so much. (to sponsor me go to:

I would really appreciate it.

Luke Freeman 13:21 |


Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.
- Jon Lithgow
bug car

I have so much work to catch up on!

Luke Freeman 12:19 |

Sunday, September 18

A life of integrity

To be quite frank, I had a terrible day yesterday where everything just kept on going wrong, but it was at about 3:30 while walking home from Forest Way that I realised how small these things are in the scheme of things, I realised how good God is and that he has everything in his hands and I decided to worship him for it.

I have had a really good morning so far this morning i woke up shortly after 6, and just lied in bed until about 630, came up stairs and read my quiet time, which included some of Song of Songs (which was really inspiring of true love which transcends all conflict), and the beatitudes in matthew (really encouraged about the Lords prayer).
A life of integrity
And I worshiped with a discman for the first time :P

I just started reading "A life of integrity" by Howard Hendricks and its really challenging, but inspiring at the same time, esspecially how it talks about being a man of God and how that pans out to look. Really challenged to make myself holy and pure (through Gods strength) for my friends and family and future wife & kids.


Luke Freeman 08:39 |

Friday, September 16

kids club

awww, this is my second last week of kids club after 3 years of faithful service... im gonna miss it heaps...


Luke Freeman 12:37 |

good to see famous people leading the way

Would those of you in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry.
- John Lennon
John Lennon

Luke Freeman 11:01 |

Thursday, September 15

I think I am in LOVE again!

This week has been a bit of a journey... I have been sick and thus unable to train or sleep properly... it has been a bit of a trial, I have been feeling low about beeing sick and unable to do things.

Last weeks soul team was very good, so encouraging, God is AMAZING!! This week I have been learning so much more about how when I am weak God is strong and how I need to rely on him not on myself.

I have been really stirred up on the inside, re-learning love, how undeserved, how wonderful, and what it means for me to love others and how love is so not what hollywood makes it out to be.

I had a great walk on the beach yesterday and I have been doing some thinking, and now it is time to put those thoughts into action... however hard it is! And it will be hard because I am the biggest wimp I know and can never say what I want to.

'...God is love...' (1 John 4:16)

Now its just going to be a challenge to love like God does, a selfless love, wanting what is best for the other person.

Luke Freeman 09:43 |

I think I am MAD!!!

"Most men are within a finger's breadth of being mad."
- Diogenes the Cynic

(or at least my dad is!!)

Luke Freeman 08:44 |

Tuesday, September 13

At the airport

Well, its been a good day, quite funny actually fake smiles and cheesy poses... don't think I am cut out for it really! but after Love is some may think otherwise (about my poses, lol).
It was great to meet all the Open Universities staff, they are such nice people, and It was great to meet some of the other students as well.
It is so boring waiting at the airport though... but I was getting bored in the city of melbourne so I decided to just come to the airport early, pity I couldn't just catch an earlier plane (then I would also make dinner on time!).
Sorry to all those who love melbourne to bits, but from what I saw, the city was quite boring... but I did do what everyone told me I had to do... I shopped (while I waited... it took up a good 15-25min), I dug into my cheap pockets and bought two shirts... from jeans west (at the sydney price).

Well I have 3 minutes and 13 seconds remaining 8 seconds 2 seconds etc of my 20min on the net for $2... with not much left to do.
I guess I will read some more blogs, then wair another 40 min for my flight to board.


Luke Freeman 16:05 |

Monday, September 12

good news

well, the good news is that I am feeling much better at the moment.
so I am off to training and then to melbourne in the morning!

Luke Freeman 15:23 |

AGM and a foot tall cup

Had the mosman rowing club AGM (anual general meeting for those uninformed on the ways of the world) yesterday, it was full of a couple of grumpy old men (non-rowers) who could not understand a few simple concepts and were only concerned with the price of beer.

At the end we had awards presentations that I was not expecting. Kiran and I won the "Youth Oarsman of the Year" award together and I won the "Top Pointscorer of the Year" so Kiran took home the former and I took home the latter, the only problem is that I spent 3 hours getting to forest way, lugging it around with my jacket draped over it and all I had eaten all day until 3pm was a sausage roll at 1:15, and I almost fainted. But I am on the fix (from being sick with a cold etc) and am looking forward to getting back into it. I am in melbourne tomorrow though!


Luke Freeman 10:21 |


If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years.
- Bertrand Russell

Luke Freeman 09:08 |

Thursday, September 8

Help please!

Hi all,
I am doing a beginners guide to the internet and computers website for Uni, and I was wondering what questions to put on it.
So if there are things that you have never understood about the internet or computers, or things that your grandparents/parents always ask you please email them to me at or comment on this post!
It would be really really appreciated!

P.S. I plan to keep the site running after it is submitted anyway, so it will be there to help those that want to know the answers, and I will be updating it with new questions and answers as they come!

Luke Freeman 11:24 |

Wednesday, September 7

Youth Cup 2005

Well, I guess here it is, the run down from my trip down south (south-west rather).
In short... it was good, a great experience, I learned a lot, had a lot of fun, killed myself pretty well!

Well Tunner and I got silver in the double to Tasmania, the double had been rowing with each other since school and have a great reputation, so a result I was more than happy with!
The quad heat was great, a confident win to the point where it was seen as one of NSW garenteed wins... but when we were out in front by 2 lengths in the final we got caught on some wash from the BRO's (so bad that Miles, Chambers and I caught crabs) and Chambers (the stroke) oar snapped in two (reinforced carbon fibre, the snap could be heard clearly from 600m away, so could the profanities). And we had to row the boat over the line with 3 of us. We barely spoke a word, it was really disappointing.

The blue ribbon event, the Youth Mens Coxed Eight, was the hardest race of my life, we went so hard, but every time we made a push so did WA and we finished in second by a very small margin. I found out later that we were rating 6 points lower than them (6x6min = 36 strokes = 300 odd meters), after knowing that I am way more than happy with our result, I am impressed!
Well, 2 silvers, I am happy with that, but next time it has to be better!

Result: I shall train harder!

The people were awesome, the food was great (I weighed in a 1.532kg under, and thus could eat as much as I wanted!) lots of fun, lots of waiting, lots of spending all my energy.
Well, now I am back at training and it hurts, but its worth it! Tasmania and Amsterdam here I come!


Luke Freeman 12:45 |

Sunday, September 4

home sweet home

the youth cup was good, more on that later, but im home and boy is it good to be home!
Luke Freeman

Luke Freeman 22:46 |

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