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Thursday, September 30


and so now theyre giving koalas contraceptives to keep the overpopulating problem down?!?

Luke Freeman 21:51 |

Fast Company | Into Thin Air

Fast Company | Into Thin Air
Offshoring, it shows where our world is going... sad isnt it?

Luke Freeman 17:10 |


i just finished my drama assesment from last term...
gee it feels good...
its so good when you get things off your mind!

Luke Freeman 13:01 |


Wimbledon - Large
Yay, how exciting... my favorite actor, paul bettany starring in his first lead role!!! i've been waiting since 2001 (when i first found out wimbledon was being filmed)!!! im going to see it after stump!

Luke Freeman 10:16 |

school work

"It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish.
J. R. R. Tolkien "

3 assignments due last term, i better start them

Luke Freeman 09:53 |

Wednesday, September 29

Tim Hughes

I was looking at the results for the regatta last saturday, and i came across the name Tim Hughes, getting the second fastest lightweigh time.... i just found it amusing... dont mind me... but if anyone ever meets another luke freeman, please tell me... i can be amused again

Luke Freeman 14:00 |

praise the lord for elevensise

but i couldnt find my camera
(short version
- rice bubbles, weetbix, sustain, banna, yogurt (home made) and milk in a family size pasta serving dish
- 3 blognaise toased cheese samwhiches (home made bolognaise and bread, home grated cheese :P)
- 1 banna, 2 kiwi fruits and an apple)

thank the lord for food!!! (and you wonder how i am losing weight??)

Luke Freeman 13:04 |

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien
British scholar & fantasy novelist (1892 - 1973) "

Luke Freeman 09:32 |

Monday, September 27

computers, headaches, and underware

well all my computers are now restored and pretty much working... ive had a headache all day :(, but its got better :)
in conclusion i should bring out my own underware range

Luke Freeman 20:50 |

Sunday, September 26


someone seached aol for "so's extacy pills" and came upon my blog at this page

Luke Freeman 22:22 |

2nd best

on your own strength, you can only ever really be second best, no matter how hard you try

Luke Freeman 22:11 |


This is something my grandfather sent me, i thought it was quite clever and cute, but then i thought also how relevent it is...


Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.


There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
You've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry-

In the midst of family chaos,
"Quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest-

It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-

God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
And He'll respond to all your needs

Luke Freeman 10:05 |

Saturday, September 25


well, ive been a slack blogger...
in other news, im going to cut my hair sometime in the holidays

Luke Freeman 11:59 |

Friday, September 24


kilo's (as of yesterday)...
down from 82 ooo yeah... if needed i can make a lightweight yet :)

Luke Freeman 17:59 |


is good

Luke Freeman 17:55 |

Thursday, September 23

generally its the guy that leads in dancing and the girl that leads with physical touch rite?

Luke Freeman 22:02 |

5 love languages...which is yours?

great book...

which is yours?
1: words of affirmation
2: wuality time
3: recieving gifts
4: acts of service
5: physical touch...

had a great convo with the family (mum, dad and sal... jesse was in my room on the computer, jamie at lucindas) and we got onto the subject of love languages... neway i g2g

Luke Freeman 20:46 |

not enuf money

its so hard working at turramurra music when there are so many things i need that ive managed to block out from my memory and now im walking past them all the time!!!

otherwise its been good... good people

Luke Freeman 17:12 |

africain oar eurapean...?

wing velocity of a swallow

Luke Freeman 04:40 |

Monday, September 20

work experience

i had a good day today... it started off good wioh rowing...late start...
but then i had train issues and arrived to work exp late...

for most of the day at turramurra i was doing routine jobs (like bins, vaccuming, labeling leads etc...) and it started off boring, but as i got to know the people; and they got to know me, it was all fun and good...

ive got to sleep now


Luke Freeman 20:58 |


mmm, i had a really good weekend, one of the best this year

Luke Freeman 06:11 |

Sunday, September 19


wow, i just walked outside... the birds sound so amazing, it sounds like im in a rainforest... its soooo beautiful!! :)

Luke Freeman 05:33 |

this day

well, ive made a commitment to give this day to god, now i pray that i will follow through and be a good witness of christ

Luke Freeman 05:30 |

Saturday, September 18


mmm... i love my bed... (well not love... really really like) i cant wait to go to sleep tonight

Luke Freeman 19:43 |


YAY!!! muse have finally released the video clip for butterflies and hurricaines!!! its my fav song!!
Watch the video for Butterflies & Hurricanes here

Luke Freeman 19:03 |

boys waxing chests again

and now dave Posted by Hello

Luke Freeman 14:49 |

this one is jamie Posted by Hello

Luke Freeman 14:49 |

funny...the boys waxing their chests again Posted by Hello

Luke Freeman 14:48 |

Wednesday, September 15


i hate this feeling, where you feel sad, uneasy and just down for no reason at all, you love everything in your life, though you have this undescribable feeling... myabe im overworked and underpaid... maybe im sleep deprived? maybe its sumthing else

Luke Freeman 18:58 |

Tuesday, September 14


i was just having a convo on msn with a freind from state music camp,
she was saying that her boyfriend said he loved her, and she wasnt sure how to feel abou it... in the end it came down to the definition of love..

hers was:
well i suppose someone u feel s if u cant live with out, some one who make you feel amazing about, there are fights and i knwo this but some one u really want to be with and feel u could spend a long time(*if not your hole life) with

mine was (slightly longer :P):
love is a selfless feeling towards someone, when all you want to do is what is best for them, you love (or like rather) to see them happy, being the best person they can be, they make you feel so good that you have this feeling towards them (this is not necessary thou coz u can love some1 u dont like, but this is love in the case of a relationship, which u would obviously like the person u love)
its where u want to do everything for them
for no reason at all
and to quote "Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love."
and the marrige vows go:
"To have and to hold, from this day forward,
For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,
In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
Till death do us part" and thats a description of what they are doing, they are commiting to love eachother

it was good to finaly put it into words

Luke Freeman 20:51 |

rescue mission

i dropped my lid off my water bottle in the libary, it rolled and landed under an old mans foot on the diagonaly opposite desk... so it called for a rescue mission!!! muahaha

in other news, life has been pretty good recently, school has been getting me down though, im so glad im only doing music next year!! 4 periods in 2 days per week!!
im still trying out for SRC again thou, it'll be weird though... imagine that if i tried out for school captain.. i could just imagine the speech "i will represent you... whenever im at school.. for 4 hours a week if your lucky"

im so proud, i can now not only touch my toes, but i can have my hands flat on the floor!! its so cool, ive never been this flexible...

its so good to have my coach, nick, back from his olympic duties, it means that i can get some good quality coaching finally!!!

im starting to get really excited about next year... cant wait... on that note, i need to confirm what i am actually doing...

so therefore im off to look at the ola courses, and look into buying a laptop...

Luke Freeman 15:19 |


im sitting at the libary, blogging whilest waiting to have coffee with mel, beth and steph and i just remembered that i forgot to hand in my year 10 science assessment... after spending heaps of time getting the DVD burnt!!

Luke Freeman 14:31 |

Monday, September 13


i cant think of what i wanted to say...
... in other news i need to go to the bathroom

Luke Freeman 04:49 |

Friday, September 10

$5 for a student $10 for a teacher

okay the story with rock eisteddfod:

it started with me waking up at 4 so i could go rowing before hand, because my coach was back for the first time (from the olympics) on the water!! so naturally, i really wanted to go!

i arrived early with stretch and adam, but somehow stretch managed to still be the last on the water by at least 5 min, even later than tim who was running 20 min late!! so once we were all out an moving, i had to turn around really early... but it was worth it.. nick was saying how far ive come since he last coached me!

so i raced in, to make it off the water at 25 past (which ended up being 27 past) i didnt have time to have a drink of water, i just put my boat and blades away, stipped down to my boxers, flushed the tap over my head and underarms, grabbed my stuff ran to the car and put my jeans on, and was in the car by 32 past 6

i then continued to get dressed and eat breakfast (including spilling milk on my clothes when i opened my milk container) in the car, and arrived at schooll at ten to... 10 min early coz of good traffic (i could have had a shower!!)

i was putting my shoes on when emily h arrived saying how tired and cold she was (i was hot and had been up since 4)

anyway, we eventually got on the bus almost on-time-ish, after liaisouning with peade every 10m when he remembered sumthing else the stage crew needed to kno!!

we started into the city, and they were playing really really pathetic rap type music on baz's iPod thru the bus' speaker system, so i asked baz if i could use his head phones, but bcoz i wasnt using an ipod, i had to hav a really short cable :P...

so i listened to muse until we arrived... really enjoying myself

and it started, we were late... as usual!!

we unpacked the trucks and got ready to go strait (or straight if you like to spull properly) onto stage for our rehersal!

then after the rehersal and stage crew meeting we went for an early lunch...

i went to get my water and turned around and no one was there, i walked out of the room to hear my phone go off and it was pete saying that he and shez were out the front coz every 1 had dissappeared (but obviouly i hadnt, they just didnt see me) so on my way i found james, who had wondered for a sec and then got lost... we met up but then remembered that we hadnt found tom and casey... but im sure they didnt mind being alone...

on our way to the markets to girls stopped me and tried to get my photo saying that "our friend really likes coyboys (being the theme of Rock est this time, i was dressed kinda as one)" then they told me to wear my long sleave shirt that was around my waist coz it was too hot... then i remembered that it was the stalkers that took photos of pete and i last year... so i did a really ugly face and walked off...

i then got ribeena from IGA and a chilli chicken buger (which unfoutunatly the chilli overpowered the rest of the burger) and was feeling sick... i also got an alarm clock from paddy's...

we went back to the team room, and i tried to get some sleep for a few hours, coz i had a headache... we then played cheat for a while... then it was our turn for truck duty...

while we were doing truck duty, tom and pete tied up shez and locked her in the bak of the truck... 3 times! then when we got bored again (truck duty goes 4 an hour) we started to play water bottle golf...

afta a while another group finished rehersal and was walking back inside... shez said "$5 for a student $10 for a teacher" and i was like "are you sure???" and she was like "yeah" and im like really

Luke Freeman 14:28 |

one thing not good about losing your voice shouting incredibly loud for your school, is that when u hav to sing for a HSC performance the next day without a voice

Luke Freeman 09:02 |

Rock Eisteddfod Challenge? :: Express Yourself

Rock Eisteddfod Challenge? :: Express Yourself

will expand later, need sleep

Luke Freeman 00:54 |

Tuesday, September 7

i had a really good day today... i am soo lucky, i have so many good relationships in my life that i am so thankful for... :)
in other news heres one of the pics we took last holidays at a band prac...  Posted by Hello

Luke Freeman 20:39 |

Monday, September 6

even more sore than usual

my quads and hamstrings are even more sore than normal.... like massivly... we started our new weight training program 2nite... it hurt...

in other news, the trials are going well so far...
ma+h5 and engrish went wonderfully, so easy!!!

ive been hearing many stories about camp... i wish i was there!!! 'twould have been so much fun...

2morro i hav history (yes torres strait not striaght!! i can spell some things), geography, civics and citizernship; and science

i hope all goes well, unfourtunatly i am not allowed to row in the morning though!!!

i'll tell you what is incredibly anoying... it is when people blame me for everything thats going wrong with the computers... all i can say is when i use a computer... guess what.. it runs smoothly... then why is it we have problems...? i wonder

i just dont have the time to fix it!!

tonight at dinner, i was talking about rowing in the morning and a comment was made (rather rudely) about getting my priorities right... well to tell the truth school isnt a priority... yeh i might make an exception for the SC but not the trial SC!!! i really hate it when other peoples ideas and ideals and priorities have to affect mine.. but guess what... i am different, i am trying to live as the person i was created to be, not to be how everyone wants me to be!!! why cant people see that!

but when it comes down to it, the people that hurt me are also the people that love me, and that i love... so i wont judge them on it, i will try and help them learn... but i am not perfect either... i know that very well!! its quite clear that i am very human...

and last but not least... god is wonderful, and he loves me unconditionally, he doesnt have any predjuice or prerequsites, he doesnt impose what he thinks onto me... he just loves me, and because of that i am inspired to do what he thinks is best for me... in fact, what he knows is best for me...

wow, the longest post i have had i a while... theyve all been one liners recently... i gues i just havnt had the time


Luke Freeman 19:53 |

Vietnamese closure of house churches

I recieved this email, and think it is very important that we're praying for our brothers and sisters in vietnam...

The Vietnamese government has issued a new law to go into effect on November 15th, that would force the closure of all "house churches." The government will require Christian worship only in the "government approved" church and will not allow ordination outside of their approval.

Christian leaders in Vietnam have asked believers around the world to join them in three days of fasting and prayer about this situation. The dates that our brothers and sisters in Vietnam have set aside for prayer and fasting are September 5th - 7th.

Pray the meetings that Christians have set with government leaders will be effective in changing this restrictive law. Pray millions of people worldwide, full of faith and power, will join in prayer and fasting with these believers. Pray many communist officials will begin to ask, "Who art Thou, Lord?" (Acts 9:5).

(thanks meghz for the email)

Luke Freeman 19:40 |

Sunday, September 5


church was really really good 2nite... really small, thou really good!!!

Luke Freeman 20:48 |

Saturday, September 4

im procrastinating

and i cant help it... i just cant think strait

Luke Freeman 14:04 |

i hate being sick

just that yuck feeling and that ticklish nose that keeps anoying you, and the nausious feeling...
but otherwise, life is good... great even

Luke Freeman 14:02 |


the smorning was great!
i slept a bit better, rowing was good (i was comming last in the time trial... maybe bcoz i was last off the line by far, but mainly bcoz i was concentrating so hard on my grip and seperation... my coach sed it should take a month to fix, and it will feel wrong and i will go slow... :() then i saw jarred watters at the bus stop on the way to see beth... its amazing how far hes come in the past year and a half... same quite a few people in his group... i had coffee, or mochas rather, with beth, we talked, twas good... and i didnt miss my bus this time!! (althou i almost did)

unfourtunatly i still am feeling really sick, but the good thing is its now moved to my nose and eyes, so its on its way out... apparently gordy and geldo got it too, most likely from riley!!

oh well, lunch, then sit by the pool doing school work...


Luke Freeman 12:34 |

Friday, September 3


so now you have too book the terrey hills tavern!!!

Luke Freeman 20:18 |


my hair is really boofy!!

Luke Freeman 19:22 |

Thursday, September 2

Are you too busy?

The Word For Today - 2004-09-02
ironic aye

Luke Freeman 16:26 |

Wednesday, September 1

infinity plus 5632

dont you hate it when you cant express things trough words!!!
not even infinity plus 5632 words!! or plus 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 etc...

Luke Freeman 20:59 |

vioce regognition

Yes That’s all this is this long will specialize on western officials your router said yes to convict on top of the period of time with the are under abates did object agree with his that they break the fed that you don’t think say at this
(it picked up park of my convo on the phone)

Luke Freeman 19:12 |

its so incredibly hard to wake up at this time every morning!
ive got so much work 2 to!! 5 assessments this week that i have only just started! school certificate trials, piano exam, and heaps more!!

but one good thing is that i get to see the sunrise this morning :)

but it is surely hard

Luke Freeman 04:08 |

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© Luke Freeman 2005, Last Updated 2:44 PM 18/08/2005