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Friday, September 10

$5 for a student $10 for a teacher

okay the story with rock eisteddfod:

it started with me waking up at 4 so i could go rowing before hand, because my coach was back for the first time (from the olympics) on the water!! so naturally, i really wanted to go!

i arrived early with stretch and adam, but somehow stretch managed to still be the last on the water by at least 5 min, even later than tim who was running 20 min late!! so once we were all out an moving, i had to turn around really early... but it was worth it.. nick was saying how far ive come since he last coached me!

so i raced in, to make it off the water at 25 past (which ended up being 27 past) i didnt have time to have a drink of water, i just put my boat and blades away, stipped down to my boxers, flushed the tap over my head and underarms, grabbed my stuff ran to the car and put my jeans on, and was in the car by 32 past 6

i then continued to get dressed and eat breakfast (including spilling milk on my clothes when i opened my milk container) in the car, and arrived at schooll at ten to... 10 min early coz of good traffic (i could have had a shower!!)

i was putting my shoes on when emily h arrived saying how tired and cold she was (i was hot and had been up since 4)

anyway, we eventually got on the bus almost on-time-ish, after liaisouning with peade every 10m when he remembered sumthing else the stage crew needed to kno!!

we started into the city, and they were playing really really pathetic rap type music on baz's iPod thru the bus' speaker system, so i asked baz if i could use his head phones, but bcoz i wasnt using an ipod, i had to hav a really short cable :P...

so i listened to muse until we arrived... really enjoying myself

and it started, we were late... as usual!!

we unpacked the trucks and got ready to go strait (or straight if you like to spull properly) onto stage for our rehersal!

then after the rehersal and stage crew meeting we went for an early lunch...

i went to get my water and turned around and no one was there, i walked out of the room to hear my phone go off and it was pete saying that he and shez were out the front coz every 1 had dissappeared (but obviouly i hadnt, they just didnt see me) so on my way i found james, who had wondered for a sec and then got lost... we met up but then remembered that we hadnt found tom and casey... but im sure they didnt mind being alone...

on our way to the markets to girls stopped me and tried to get my photo saying that "our friend really likes coyboys (being the theme of Rock est this time, i was dressed kinda as one)" then they told me to wear my long sleave shirt that was around my waist coz it was too hot... then i remembered that it was the stalkers that took photos of pete and i last year... so i did a really ugly face and walked off...

i then got ribeena from IGA and a chilli chicken buger (which unfoutunatly the chilli overpowered the rest of the burger) and was feeling sick... i also got an alarm clock from paddy's...

we went back to the team room, and i tried to get some sleep for a few hours, coz i had a headache... we then played cheat for a while... then it was our turn for truck duty...

while we were doing truck duty, tom and pete tied up shez and locked her in the bak of the truck... 3 times! then when we got bored again (truck duty goes 4 an hour) we started to play water bottle golf...

afta a while another group finished rehersal and was walking back inside... shez said "$5 for a student $10 for a teacher" and i was like "are you sure???" and she was like "yeah" and im like really

Luke Freeman 14:28 |

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© Luke Freeman 2005, Last Updated 2:44 PM 18/08/2005