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Tuesday, July 12

film: a cinematic experience (for lack of a better title)

luke here,

from the makers of such block busters as The Matwix Resolutions,
Cooking like
Compost and Road Safety
comes A Day in the Life of Ted and Mary (title
yet to be final) (action/comedy) (story: Peter Hayes).

you have been invited to be involved in its production, please send me
a email if you are interested...especially
those interested in pre-production input... I am thinking about a
collaborative input to the script and storyboarding at the moment (like
we currently have an outline for what each scene is about and the
general idea, but need to script it).

i'm looking for people:

the filming will take place towards the end of the
year or January next year, it will most likely be over a couple of
days, in a row or spread apart. Please keep that time frame in mind, if
you really want to be part of it and that time frame is a problem with
you, please reply promptly.

please email me on
and I will reply promptly.

luke (Director/Executive Producer)

P.S. please feel free to forward onto anyone you think may be

Luke Freeman 17:09 |

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© Luke Freeman 2005, Last Updated 2:44 PM 18/08/2005