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Friday, July 23

RM 50-05

well, i havnt been blogging recently, only due to the fact that my internet has been down at home... optus was having issues.
i got it working again though... they really dont like people with networks do they...
well im sitting in histroy, doing my major assessment... I WAS GIVEN ABORIGINAL STUDIES!!! how many times do we have to learn it!! we have to do this whole big study on it...

its funy, i keep hearing my techer refering to small groups its funny, because i have been telling her about so many methods that my dad uses at work for learning and how far behind school is... the funnier thing is that she is actually listening to me and my idea's...

if only school could be more like uni!!
well basicly a fifth of my class is playing games and being told to stop, shes completely unaware to me...

im feeling really sick, like light headed, and headachy, just dizzy to...

its only first week back at school and my life is already consumed...

bloggin off, luke

Luke Freeman 12:04 |

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