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Tuesday, July 6

band, movies and blisters on my fingers

well, the last two days have been great... a wonderful start to the holidays...

firstly i attempted really really hard to sleep into 11 on mon, but when i had gone back to sleep a dozen times, i thought it must've been 11;30 or sumthing... turns out it was 8;30... oh well, i was well slept...

i had a long shower, a nice breakfast, and finished writing a song... then continued to set up for a band prac...

it was great, its the first band prac we've had in ages were i could actually hear what we were playing, and it sounded good!!!

we then ordered pizza and watched take away!!!

joel was alowed to sleep ova for like the first time ever!!!

but unfoutunatly i couldnt stay too long bcoz i had rowing in the morning...

well i went 2 bed, and after a pretty crap nights sleep, struggled to get out of bed and go 2 rowing...

it was a good session, we didnt do much coz of the regatta on sunday :)

i then came home (two busses later), showered and started making pancakes... i was almost finished b4 any of the guys woke up :P... (i am a dead sexy pancake flipper, perfect flips, no spacholar)

we ran through the set list, only to discover that we had room for more material :), so i showed the guys some of my new stuff, so did joel... it was good, im really enjoying it (cept my songs always take the guys a bit 2 get, their complicated) we'll b heaps ready 4 the comming up gigs...

we had a quick packup and then joel and i rushed off 2 the movies to see shrek 2...

we got half way and then pete b rang 2 tell us joel had left his wallett at our house... so we came back and arrived bout 45 min late to the movies...

shrek was good, lots of subtle jokes :), the best part was the counting crows song (accidently in love) that the movie started with... that itself almost caused me to like it...

it was funny, but the girls seemed to find it funnier than the rest of the cinima... i had joiel and beth either side of me and just let me tell you, joel was quieter... well at least every one enjoyed it :)

any way i will stop typing, bcoz it is hurting my blisters on my fingers (theyre absolutly chunky!!!)

bloggin off, luke

NB: note 2 self. bring camera out more, get fotos of friends...

Luke Freeman 17:15 |

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© Luke Freeman 2005, Last Updated 2:44 PM 18/08/2005