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Wednesday, June 30

my day, my adventure, my elephant... yesterday

yesterday i had a rather unusual day...

... it was good to be back rowing on school mornings; we're going to try and get a school quad happening... that'd be funny, davo along with shore and all them, cept we have a sum total of what, four rowers (well not yet, give us time)

i have my long johns back now, cept they are now sumwhat different... transformed rather

they're now officially spedo joel murchandise... i cant believe i let them do that!! lol

well the early bus is still canceled!!! forest coachlines are wonderful arent they!!

so today during my 45 min wait, i had coffee with beth KC and hanni (it was good to finally match a face, to several stories, to a blog, to a name, to a person)...

so coffee was good, we made the long johns exchange finally, but they didnt have anything 2 eat or drink though because they had apparently just binged on pizza, lol...

finally taking time out to talk 2 beth was good, come to think of it, we've only ever spoken at church and youth group briefly... well anyway, time went sooo fast, i was keeping an eye on it though, because if i missed my school bus, i would have had to walk up 2 the corner of glen st & forest way, and waited for another bus at about 5;30...

so between two times lookin at the time, it went from 2:45 to 2:59!!! so then we headed off to school (she had 2 pick her younger bro up from mimosa), but i was like, meh, i should b fine, the bus is normally 20 min late...
well it turned out to not only be on time, but in fact early, so i arrived to school as the last bus was on its way out, then i suddenly bolted, signaled it down, then spent 2 min trying to convince the bus driver to radio the other bus down... he finally did then said "you better start running" (although he was heading the same direction)... so i bolted with my school bag, massive rowing bag and school folder... i ended up bolting for about a kilometer, then slowing it down to a run for about 500m until when i realised that it hadnt stopped... so then i saw another bus on the other side of the road... i jumped across the otha side and called it down, it turns out that fourtunatly it goes 2 terrey hills, its a forest high bus...

so i get on the bus all panting and a bit sweaty, with about 50 mL in my drink bottle...

anyway, i had a great afternoon afta that, i spent it with gordy, we chatted, it was really encouraging, great, wonderful, he's such a great guy...

and also, im completely over sat nite a week ago!!! everything is fine

im being challenged with humility and relying completely on god, asking for his wisdom and not my own...

i stayed up for a good part of the nite doin maths study, i got 2 bet around 10;30, then realised that there was more 2 do...

oh well, i g2g2 rowing :)


Luke Freeman 15:21 |

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© Luke Freeman 2005, Last Updated 2:44 PM 18/08/2005