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Tuesday, June 15


well, its 4 in the morning, and im already packed for rowin, i must be getting quicker...
i have a long day ahead of me, im sure of that, though i am completely unsure of what my day will actually contain... kinda exciting i guess...?

its been really good getting to know myself better over the last while, ive been doing a lot of thinking...

i was working yesterday from 4:30am until 7:30pm, i went straight from rowing onto helping my sister with her DT major work... building a caravan... exciting :) though very long and time consuming... it was good to have some people helping yesterday, it saved me weeks of work, and especially my sister and mum...

i cant wait to see where me and my friends will be in a years time, well at least i hope that we will have some change, i really hope that through good times and hard times we will come out in a year or so's time, having broken down all the barriers, solved problems, become closer but less exclusive... i really hope that the quality of our relationships will be the thing drawing our age group into the church, because thats really what i see as our ministry, it is to reach our friends, because in my case... they are the unreached minority...

well, lifes good, its a lot to look forward to though, but i can tell you that the day to day routine sometimes gets you down :-D.
but sometimes i guess you just have to take up your pride, you preferences, your ideals and just put them in you back pack and keep climbing, and rising to the challenge...

sometimes it feels like the world is on a hold, like there are so many people i see trying to make a difference, but... i really have to go now, i hope today isnt to confusing, oh well

blogging off


Luke Freeman 04:50 |

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