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Saturday, June 5

Imag Bible Study

meh, i think its useful, it kinda relates to what i was saying earlier in my mammoth post :)

The Soul Survivor Magazine Online: "April 2004

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139 v13-14

Einstein was a scientist who wanted to understand the mind of God. He wanted to get into God's way of thinking, so that he could get some answers.

In fact, during the last 10 years of his life, Einstein frantically scribbled in notebook after notebook as he tried to work out his 'Theory of Everything' one equation that would explain everything from the movement of a single electron to the creation of life.

Time ran out for Einstein, but many scientists continue to work on this theory today.

Yet if we read Psalm 139 v13-14, we are told the answer. The theory of everything and the reason we exist can only be answered in God. It is God who created us - we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are not made according to a recipe or mathematical formulae.

We are all unique and handcrafted by God, made in His image. You may be really familiar with the verses above. Perhaps you turn to Psalm 139 for a bit of comfort and security. That's great, because as we ponder life's mysteries, little else explains our existence. God has created us in an incredible way.

Psalm 139 is a personal and deeply felt expression of what David knew of God. David may have explained it as 'It's about how God knows me, how he surrounds me, how he has made me and how he tests me.'

And as we look at verses 13 and 14 it's about how God made us. Now Im a bit of a scientist at heart, so not only is the passage a source of great comfort, it also makes me marvel at the science of God the creator.

When I read a verse like the one above, I'm struck by the amazing complexity of the"

Luke Freeman 20:53 |

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